V Ginger Cat---6x8
V Maine Coon Cat---6x8
V Elephant---6x8
V Open barn door---6x8
Yellow Lab--detail from triptych
V Anhinga drying its wings
Running Cheetah---6x8
Abandoned fish pond
Dragonfly Montage
Alligator and Friend
Barbara's Pug Sold
Pretty in Pink
Pretty in Pink---12x16
V Leo---12x16 SOLD
V Cat expressions (1)
V Sleeping Maine Coon Cat---6x8
V Got Milk?---6x8
Cow Face
Huh?---6x 8
Pheasant Hen
In the kelp
V Manatee Cow and calf---6x8
Florida evening by the water
Dog Expressions--a tyiptych
v Dog expressions(1)--a triptych
Gator on a log