Blue bouquet---12x16 watercolor--NOT FOR SALE

 Crotons---6x8 watercolor

 Pears on a counter---6x8

 Pears on a counter (2)---6x8

 White caladiums and impatiens---12x16

Cabbage Palms---SOLD

America Beach--12x16

A Singe Yellow Rose---12x16

Magnolia 12x16

At the Springs-- 12x16

Sunflowers in water 

Just picked 

 Maple Leaves

Palms en Regalia---SOLD

Somewhere in Italy

Anniversary Bouquet--8x10

 Red Hibiscus 8x10

A pair of magnolias

 Magnolia Deluxe

 Blood Oranges with flowers


 Flowers of the Field

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